There is SO much going through my mind right now that I don't believe I could even begin to write it all down. This is just a small look into my random brain...
Christmas break is going by way too fast!
I leave for Haiti in FOUR days...snikes!
I already have all my books for next semester...I'm avoiding even looking at them.
I just wrote down a "re-cap" of 2011. Wow..What a year! It was filled with a lot of joy, sadness, heartache, and triumph! The happy moments definitely outweighed the sad. :]
I have SO much to be thankful for and I'm so blessed by every single person that I've met this past year. I look back and can see just how much God loves me by the people he sends to be in my life.
I'm still not a big Christmas music fan. Some songs I can tolerate but Sorry to all of you that love Christmas music.
God is still providing me the trust and reassurance I need to get through every day. He knows what I need in every moment.
I'm excited for Christmas! But I have to work on Christmas Day :[ Not looking forward to that.
As of Christmas, I will go PRN (as needed) at my job due to school next semester. Thankful to have a job that works with me and my crazy schedule!
It will be weird not working for at least 8 weeks...I've never not had a job.
I'm ready to see my friends open their gifts :]
I'm sorry if you are still reading thoughts from my crazy mind. Haha. Thank you.
I have GOT to pack. I keep procrastinating. See...
(Yes, I already opened the Pringles..shhh)
Im ready to see my nursing buddies. I miss them already!
I just started my Christmas shopping 2 days ago...I'm still not done. whoops.
I'm done rambling for the moment...I will come up with some more jib-jab later I'm sure.
Our Haiti trip is 7 days away! I couldn't be more excited or nervous. I feel like I've been waiting forever for this trip and now that it's so close...AHH! I cant wait to see what God has in store for me, my friends, and the haitian people. I really CAN NOT believe that I am getting the opportunity to go back. I don't want to think that this is just "another trip". I want to pour myself into this trip and take hold of every opportunity that I'm presented while in Haiti. I better start packing soon too ;]
Now, a little catching up on life. I PASSED my 3rd semester of Nursing School. I honestly cant tell you how happy yet extremely nervous I am to be graduating in May as an RN! This life is crazy. I thank God for sending me to CU and blessing me with awesome classmates and teachers. I believe I will honestly miss my buddies at school once we roughly 4 1/2 months. Oh. My. Word!
So besides Haiti and school, I'm on Christmas break! NO STUDYING! Ive been sitting on the couch all day and its been wonderful to not have my school books staring at me and demanding I study. Sweet relief.
My mom, sister and aunt all graduated with their master's on Friday. They rock. Here's a picture of those perrttyy outfits.
I mentioned before on here that I sometimes feel like I'm going through a spiritual valley where you have highs and lows to every day. Well, this is one of those times. The only way I get through each day is God and God alone. He gives me reassurance at the right time that He is there. He tells me to trust him and cast ALL my worries, fears, and hurt on to him. It hasn't been an easy journey to get to the place where I am now, but all I can do is trust God and give Him full control of every situation. This picture was on someones Twitter today...God knows my heart and what I needed in this day before I ever did. I cant thank him enough!
Keep praying for our group as we board the plane in 7 days!!!!
When I started this blog, the main focus point was my Haiti mission trips. So, its only fitting to say... 22 days! I realized today that I am no where near prepared to go. Meaning, last time I already had bought all my supplies, clothes, and had everything ready to go at this point. That's about 3 weeks. 3 weeks. 3 weeks. I feel like this trip has came SO much faster than the last trip. 3 weeks, really?!? We have our last Haiti meeting tomorrow (December 5th) and our last payment is due as well. The great thing about a blog is being able to reflect back on certain things in your life. For me, its great to look back and see God's provision. I remember writing about how I needed all this money and the deadlines were quickly approaching. Now, I have more money then I need! Isn't it great how God provides? My church also collected 400 toothbrushes. They rock! I will try to update on here while in Haiti (if time allows) and share with you all what God is doing while we are there. And I'll post some really cute pictures of the precious Haitian children. :]
Since the last time I blogged we also had Thanksgiving! I spent it with both sides of my family and we had a great time. I am so blessed to have so many great people in my life. Here are a few pics:
Aren't those some cute kids?!
How can I have a post and not talk about nursing school? Oh wait, I cant!
Here is a little picture to show that nursing school makes you silly...
Life has been CRA CRA lately! (That's my new word for crazy!) Lurrve it. Anyways, I've got a new job (which I start next week), had school /7 A.M. clinicals and Chrysalis 48!
Chrysalis 48 was awesome! We had an overly full walk which meant hot, smelly conference rooms. eek. Air fresheners only do so much. We had some pretty fantastic people working this walk which makes all the difference. God showed me several things this past weekend that I could give to Him... So I did. Isn't it a relief to not have to think/worry/drive yourself bonkers about all the things of this world? I've had so many things going on lately and I was going nuts. I finally had to just let God take control or the stress would become unbearable. (And I would get shingles...again. I just had them 2 weeks ago. Oh the joy of stress!) I'm always so sad when the weekend comes to an end. Life is so care free at Chrysalis. Someone tells you when to get up, when to eat, when to sleep...its basically the life. We get so caught up in all of our electronics and busy lives that sometimes its nice to not have all the distractions. I'm so thankful for my reunion group on Mondays so that I can continue to see all the people that I love and know through Chrysalis. I really don't know where I would be without some of the people that Ive met through Chrysalis. It's been God writing my story all along :] He knows what we need. Here's a few cute pictures from the weekend..
Our family 'Blindside' picture :]
Photo bombers...Amanda Panda and I.
My favorites. Shelby & Melissa :]
Haiti Countdown...drum roll....47 days! It has snuck up on me. Thats. So. Close. AHH! So far, My super duper church family has collected 377 toothbrushes (and counting) for me to take to Haiti. 377! Some of these children probably don't even know what a toothbrush is! I'm so excited for each child to get their own toothbrush and see the cute designs. Some have Dora the Explorer, Thomas the Train, and Snoopy. Some light up and some have grippers on the bottom so they stand on there own. So adorable!
With Haiti quickly approaching, that also means Christmas is almost here and I have NO shopping done yet. I probably should get on that soon. I'm currently trying to convince my mom that it IS time for the Christmas tree to go up! I decorated some today for Christmas and it made me so happy. I love Christmas time but I just wish it didn't get cold. No bueno.
I might be just a little excited about Haiti being so close yet so far away. I cant believe that I board a plane in roughly 2 months to go spread Gods love with the Haitian people. I couldn't think of a better way to spend a week of my Christmas break!
I want to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has gave me money for Haiti, came to a fundraiser, or lifted our group up in prayer! God is providing and even providing extra. He is good!
We now have our flight times which makes everything more real. eeeeek.
The 2nd 8 weeks of our semester started today. I can already tell I will love OB! On a happy note, I passed my Peds course. Graduation is so close (that terrifies me ) but makes me really happy.
Job. Jobs. Jobbbbbbbs. That's all I will say :]
I feel as though I am in a transition period in my life. I am learning things and have some things/people figured out but then again, I know nothing! Who am I kidding? :]
I am looking for a good devotional book where I can follow along in the bible with scripture but also one that's easy to understand...Any suggestions?
Ramble. That's all I do. Ramble.
Anyways, 62 days until I see this face again! This is baby Robin. He is the son of the pastor that owns the guest house that we stay at. He was only about 2 weeks old when we went to Haiti in January so he will be ONE by the time we get back there! I'm so excited to see him :]
Busy. A word that I hate but it describes me unfortunately. Just since the beginning of this month I have quit my job, got a new job, and am about to have 2 comprehensive finals (tomorrow...eeek!) Prayers needed for me and my Nursing sistas!
Anyways, enough of me rambling. Now onto the more important stuff. Lately, my heart has been so heavy for my friends, family, fellow bloggers, and Haiti/missions. I feel called to do more than I am currently doing...its just putting things into action that I have the hardest trouble with. As I was reading 2 Timothy 2:11-13 this morning, God spoke to me about my relationship in Him. I was going to sum them up but I think the verses say enough without my own interpretation.
"...If we have died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful- for he cannot deny himself. "
The last part is what I love...even when I am faithless, HE remains faithful. I am the one that runs away. I am the one that has to do things my way (the hard way.) Even in my weaknesses and blemishes, He is still God and wants all of me..not the leftovers. I dont know where God wants me at right now or what He has planned for me in the future, but I do know that its not where I am right now.
Last night I was reading a blog that I follow and her post was about Katie. She is the founder of Amazima Ministries. Her video shook me to the core. I could do nothing but cry as I watched it and feel humbled yet convicted. Shes right. She isnt doing anything spectacular or crazy but simply doing what God instructed us all to do. All.
Love others. Feed the hungry. Give clothes to the poor. Love God. So what am I waiting for? What are you waiting for? It makes me want to drop out of nursing school and catch the next plane to Uganda. This is a glimpse of her everyday life.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
I thought I would share a few of my favorite 'pins' from Pinterest. I love this website...almost too much.
There are a few cute sayings, recipes, and DIY stuff. Love. So here we go...
-I dont know how many times I've read this...a lot. I still laugh.)
-I do that...a lot.
-This should be posted in every bathroom in America.
-LOVE the colors!
-This is crock pot potato soup. I actually made it and it was super easy to make and really delicious.
-I need to make these. They are mini fruit pizzas. YUM!
-How yummo does these look?
-DIY candlesticks/candy holders. I will definitely be making day.
-Its a luggage cabinet! How adorable is this?!
Anyways, on to actual 'blogging'. This weekend was pretty good. I worked (eh), went to a friends house and had some girl time (yippee!), then today was church and Chrysalis formations. Church was awesome and we had some sweet 70's music to go along with our decade theme at church. We know...we are cool. I am so ready for Chrysalis in November that I can hardly stand it! ahh!
Haiti funds are coming right along. God is definitely overseeing this trip and I can already see Him working in mighty ways, He knows our every need and that reassures me!
I hope you all have a great week. My upcoming week will be filled with studying, studying, eating, studying, working, sleeping, and studying...see a trend?
This post is completely random thinking from the past few weeks.. :]
I'm sorry for abandoning my blog the past few weeks. School is in full swing as well as work. I have to say, I am loving this semester so far! It is a lot more laid back then the past semesters and I have a tad more "free" time.
Funds for Haiti are coming together. God is definitely providing! I have been blessed with so many generous, loving people in my life. A little over 100 days left until we take off! AHH!
I know I've said it before, but I cant wait to see the sweet kiddos at Mrs. Dorothy's Rescue. Every time I see their sweet faces, my heart just melts!
I have been slacking this week as far as my bible study, quiet time, and bible reading. I have no excuses. God has been and continues to be so, so good to me. His timing has been perfect lately (as always) and He never ceases to amaze me.
I am reading the book, Not a fan by Kyle Idleman. It is a superb book so far and its very easy to understand. The point of the book is to get you to become a follower, not a fan. I am loving it and God is really opening my eyes and teaching me how to become a follower.
I am really excited this year for fall and winter. I mention this because normally I'm not. I hate cold weather and I wish it was 95 degrees year round! But for once, I'm ready for pumpkin carving, apple cider, and cold weather.
I am addicted to Pinterest! Its a online cork board basically and you can "pin" anything you like! It has a lot of good recipes that I've found (and used), super cute craft and DIY ideas, adorable outfits and much, much more!
This next week should be pretty chill. We don't have class (our teacher is at a conference)so I'm working ahead on all my assignments now so that I can have a little bit of down time. Yay!
I'm done boring you with useless information that will fill your head :]
First day of Peds with my ladies!
Our first clinical...We were having a little too much fun ;]
Its that time again. The time when school is about to start, sleeping in will be no more, and I basically will have no life. Strangely, I'm looking forward to it. This semester is supposed to be our "easiest" semester...if there is such a thing in Nursing School.
On another note, I am still preparing for Haiti. I turn in my first payment next week and then bigger payments will follow. As I look back at pictures, I get so excited to go back. It's been a little over 7 months since I returned from Haiti and it feels like sooo much longer. I know that God has something huge in store for myself and for our group in Haiti. I cant wait to see what all it is.The Haiti countdown will begin soon...very soon. :]
Ive had mixed feelings about this summer. I was so busy and always on the go so I didnt really get to enjoy my break, Although, the down time that I did have was fantastic. One of my favorite moments of the summer was when I got to spend a week with my best friend in Illinois and watch her graduate. I was a very proud best friend!
Summer really started when I passed 2nd Semester (Med-Surg)! It was a tough semester but Im so glad Im done with it and moved on!
This was before our huge comprehensive final.eeek.
My birthday was in May and these two awesome girls threw me my own little surprise party. It was complete with a yummy cake, gifts, and a scavenger hunt to find them. They are the bomb!
My girls
YAC! My sweet, precious, awesome friends attended YAC and Im pretty sure they loved it. God has truly blessed me with these two!
"Our God's Not Dead"
As I said earlier, I loved getting to go to IL and see Kayla. God has blessed me so much through her and we will always be close even if we do live 8 hours away...which I hate. She is the definition of a true friend. I love her sooo much! (Now I just have to convince her to move back to KY! )
Graduation day!
For the past 2 years, our BR (Baskin Robbins) girls group has went to Kings Island. Its always so much fun to spend the day with these girls. We still call it our "Annual BR Kings Island trip" even though only Tori still works there. Anna Marie, our mommy, moved to Washington, DC. Im still sad and miss her very much! :[ Dez went back to Berea College and I switched jobs. Tor Tor is still going strong at good ol BR.
Each year we have taken a cake..I'm not really sure why but it gets better every year!
Courtney and I were SO SO SO excited about seeing Taylor Swift this summer. We ordered our tickets back in March and the concert was scheduled for July 2nd. We get to Louisville, eat, and then come to find out that the concert is cancelled! T.Swift had laryngitis and cancelled all her shows for that week. We were super bummed but will be going to see her October 7th!
This summer I had to take a summer class which happened to be Medical Microbiology. It was interesting to say the least. It was all June and July but it went by really fast! Here is our big CU group.
Girls day! I was waiting for this weekend all summer! I love our little group. We have too much fun and dont act normal...ever. I dont know how I would get through school with out them, honestly.
Frozen Yogurt- Our favorite!
Last but not least, orientation. Yes, Nursing Orientation is the last bit of summer that I had left. It was a long but great day. I am ready to start 3rd semester (OB and Peds)!
That is basically my summer in a nutshell. Im sad to see summer leave because I love the break from school, the sun, and super hot weather. I know this semester has a lot in store for me so I am ready to get it started! God is going to do BIG things, Im sure of it.
Summer is almost over!! :[ I’m super sad but at the same time I'm so ready to get into a routine (you all know how I love schedules) and start my 3rd semester of Nursing School which begins on August 30th.
So my last post was about preparing for Haiti and the biggest thing for any trip is the money it takes to actually get there. My first payment is due the first week of September and guess what? IT's COVERED! I have my first payment of $150.00. Not only do I have that, but I also have money to put toward the next payment! God is SO good and always provides in His time. I have to say, the past few weeks I have put the Haiti payments in God's hands but I was still a little anxious. I have been reading in Matthew over the course of a few weeks and one thing I was reading was in ch.8 and 9. In these chapters Jesus heals two demon possessed men, calms a storm, heals a paralytic, and heals the blind and mute. It occurred to me that if God could do all these miracles that He could definitely provide the money I needed. God has no limits or boundaries set on what he can do. I know that sometimes, I put limits on what I think God can do. As I was reading on in Matthew, I came to Ch. 17:20-21. It talks about how we have such little faith. But God says to us if we just have faith like a mustard seed then we can move mountains. A mustard seed is tiny! A little bit of faith goes a long way. He goes on to say how nothing will be impossible for us as long as we have faith. I was lacking faith! It also says in Ch. 19 vs. 26 that with God, all things are possible. Do you think that maybe God was telling me that He's got this? Shew, I am stubborn at times.
That’s what God has been teaching me over the past few weeks. Faith and trusting in His timing. What has He been teaching you?
On another note, I am really excited for this upcoming weekend and the weeks to come. Our Nursing girls "group" will be reunited! Girl talk, frozen yogurt, and hiking! :] I’m sure the details from this weekend will make another post. Have a great week and Be Encouraged.
It's that time again to start planning for my 2nd trip to Haiti! I received an email earlier today explaining some of our first details for the trip. I am already feeling overwhelmed but I know that God will take care of everything. The first line of business on the email was passports. I already have mine from my first trip to Haiti so that was one weight lifted off of my shoulders. Next came the money deadlines. :/ Our first deposit of $150.00 is due September 2nd. Yes, that’s less than 1 month away. While I want to freak out, I know that God provided the money last time and He will do the same again. Our team of 30, as of now, will begin having meetings soon to discuss required immunizations, airline tickets, deposit dates, supplies, etc. We work through a missionary team called MSI (Mission Support International) and our fearless leader through MSI is Mr. Ken Bolin. He really knows what he is doing and is a great leader. He led up our group last time and I can’t wait for another trip with him.
Our airline tickets cost between $750-$850. That money is due October 3rd. Yes, It seems so soon to me but I have to put my trust in God...if not, I will surely go crazy!!
So now, I am trying to think of a lot of fundraising ideas or just a few big money makers. If any of you all have any ideas, I’m ready and willing to listen! Help Us Help Haiti!
I hope you all have had a great summer so far. I know mine has been crazy and fast paced but still a good break none the less. Be Encouraged!
At one of the clinics- They were enjoying some candy we brought :]
Before I tell you about my trip, I'll tell you how I got up to that point first.
I have always had a heart for missions but never had the opportunity at hand. Our NursingSchool announced that they were going to Haiti for a medical mission trip; Not even a year after the earthquake and while the country was dealing with Cholera.
I decided to sign up to go with only two days before a $200.00 down payment was supposed to be made. If I didn’t make the payment, then I wasn’t going. I remember freaking out because I didn’t have 200 bucks to spare. I decided that if God wanted me to go, then He would provide a way. Within hours of telling my family, a few close family friends, and my friends that I wanted to go to Haiti, I had $200.00. God had supplied the money. I remember riding home from Wal-Mart with my mom and sobbing because I was so taken back by the greatness of God, the generosity of people who love me, and the sole fact that I was going to Haiti. I am so blessed!
So instantly the planning and preparation began. Shots, medicines, buying supplies, packing (under 50 pounds, shew.), and sending out letters for money and support. Once again, God supplied every penny and then some for my $ 1300.00 trip.
(I am trying to spare you from every single detail of the leading up to the trip. I could write 10 posts on just that. So now moving on to my actual trip!)
I went to Haiti with CU's Baptist Campus Ministries and our NursingSchool. Our trip was January 4th-10th of 2011. This trip was my first mission trip, first plane ride, and first trip out of the country. So needless to say, I was very excited! We left Campbellsville around (if I remember correctly) and we headed to Nashville, TN for our flight out to Miami. Once in Miami, We had a long layover. After walking the airport many times, getting lunch, taking naps and playing games, it was finally time to board the plane for Haiti!
Nashville Airport
I remember stepping off the plane in Haiti and thinking, "Am I really here?" Next it was time to get our luggage and let’s just say that was an experience to remember. We were in Port-a-prince at their tiny airport and it was hot and very congested with people. In our group of 40+, making sure everyone got their luggage plus all of our supplies was quite a chore.
Yes, This was just a fraction of our luggage.
Now this would begin our journey in Haiti. While I can’t remember every detail at the moment, I did write it all down in a journal. A normal days schedule was something like this:
6:00 AM- Wake up (normally to the sound of roosters) and get ready for the day.
7:00 AM- Breakfast
8:00 AM- Pack up our buses with supplies, fill up our water bottles, and head out for the day.
*Next we would travel to our clinic site for that day. Some were fairly close and others were maybe an hour away.
Once we got to our clinic site, we would form an assembly line from the bus to a room and unload all of our suitcases that were full of supplies. We would then set everything up for the day and split up into our different stations. We all had been given a schedule and were split up into different stations depending on the day.
Every person that walked into the clinic got prayed for first. We would ask if they had any prayer concerns and our translator would tell us what they had said. The ultimate goal for this was to lead people to Christ; a lot of Haitians accepted Jesus into their hearts. It was such a great feeling to share our faith and have them receive it so openly. After prayer they would go to triage which was taking their vitals and getting their name and age. Next they would go to the doctor and explain if they were hurting anywhere or if they just needed a check up. Depending on what the doctor ordered, they would either get a shot and medicines or just medicine. Every person left the clinic with a gift such as soap, flip flops, a t-shirt, etc. Our BCM also had Back yard bible club. They would love and play with the children as we were giving them medical attention. They did a GREAT job!
That was our average day. Serving and loving on as many Haitians as possible! I can’t remember our actual total, but for the whole week we served thousands and thousands of people.
We would pack up all our supplies and head back to our guest house.
We would normally eat dinner around 5 or a little before. I have to say, I was a little worried about eating Haitian food. To my surprise, it was all SO good. But, they did put peas and corn in everything...peas and corn in eggs, on top of your pizza, in your pasta...everything. And the chickens running around in the back yard during breakfast...that was supper.
-After supper, we all had the opportunity to go to different churches or just stay at the guest house and fellowship. Most of us always went to church. Haitian church is completely different then anything here in the states. It’s not something you want to miss out on. They worship God with everything that’s in them. They praise Him for all they have, even though it’s not much. I believe we all learned a few lessons from them.
-Every night back at the guest house, we had worship and devotion. This was also our time to reflect on the day and share our experiences with the group. This was one of my favorite times of the day.
It is somewhat difficult to put my whole trip into words. It is really one of those things that you have to experience yourself to feel the passion and excitement that I have towards Haiti itself and the Haitian people.
One of my absolute, without a doubt, favorite parts of the trip was going to Faith, Hope and Love Infant Rescue. It is run by a sweet lady named Ms. Dorothy. She takes in all sorts of precious babies and children. Some are true orphans while others have parents. The children that have parents are normally at Ms. Dorothy’s due to malnourishment. She takes them in and gets them to a healthy weight and then they normally go back to their parents. Some parents might decide that they don’t want their kid(s) anymore and will just leave them. The kids are SO desperate for love. The moment they see you about 5 are clinging on to your legs. If you pick up one, be prepared to hold about 3 at one time. All the kids are so precious though. I did not want to leave. I remember the first 2 nights I was at home, I cried myself to sleep because I missed all those kids so badly. I just wanted one more more more video of Christian saying, "I love you." I can’t say enough to tell you how AWESOME all of these kids. They are so strong and sweet for what they have been through.
Mich- He is so strong and sweet...and only 14 years old!
One of the twins. How cute is she?!
Sweet girls
I could go on and on about all the devastation I seen or about the kids. I could tell you many stories from the clinic or from our devotional time. I could go on about the amazing churches there and there sole desire to serve God. But, if I did that, we would be here ALL night. I am going to post pictures and videos to go along with this post really soon.
As I look back on my trip, I am amazed at the opportunity I had before me. I still cant believe at times that I actually went to Haiti, a place so broken, and came back more whole then before.
A few months ago I received an email announcing our returning date for Haiti!!!! I immediately replied (after asking my mom and a few other people) and said to save me a spot on the team. The trip cost has gone up to $1500.00 this time. As of now, I have $0 but I know I serve a God way bigger than that. The money will arrive in just the right time! I couldn’t be more excited! The trip is scheduled for December 27th 2011-January 2nd 2012. We will bring in the New Year in a different country. How cool!?!
Until then, Please be in prayer for our team as we raise money and prepare mentally. Help Us Help Haiti!