I have been talking about redoing my room for a while. When our house was built about 7ish years ago, I was going through an all orange phase. So, I chose bright orange for my room color. Ive since then out grown an all orange Hawaiian themed room. I'd been talking and talking about wanting to redo my room non stop. While I was gone to Haiti in December, my mom decided she would redo my room for me. How sweeeet! :] I am now going through an all grey phase. But, I think my liking of grey is here to stay. So here are some before and after pictures! {Picture overload ahead}
Mr. Piggy. (He was pink before)
Love my yellow, black, and grey.
My elephant from Haiti...and an ancient picture of Kayla and I. haha.
My furniture was repainted. Lurvee. The globe and bell are from Haiti as well!
Repainted the H and the hooks.
CANDY! My favorite, miniature M&Ms.
My Pinterest inspired DIY candy holders.
Comfiest chair evaaa.
So, there ya have it. I'm still in love with my room. When I eventually move out, the grey, black, and yellow are going too!!
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