
Friday, December 23, 2011


There is SO much going through my mind right now that I don't believe I could even begin to write it all down. This is just a small look into my random brain...

  • Christmas break is going by way too fast!

  • I leave for Haiti in FOUR days...snikes!

  • I already have all my books for next semester...I'm avoiding even looking at them.

  • I just wrote down a "re-cap" of 2011. Wow..What a year! It was filled with a lot of joy, sadness, heartache, and triumph! The happy moments definitely outweighed the sad. :]

  • I have SO much to be thankful for and I'm so blessed by every single person that I've met this past year. I look back and can see just how much God loves me by the people he sends to be in my life.

  • I'm still not a big Christmas music fan. Some songs I can tolerate but Sorry to all of you that love Christmas music.

  • God is still providing me the trust and reassurance I need to get through every day. He knows what I need in every moment.

  • I'm excited for Christmas! But I have to work on Christmas Day :[ Not looking forward to that.

  • As of Christmas, I will go PRN (as needed) at my job due to school next semester. Thankful to have a job that works with me and my crazy schedule!

  • It will be weird not working for at least 8 weeks...I've never not had a job.

  • I'm ready to see my friends open their gifts :]

  • I'm sorry if you are still reading thoughts from my crazy mind. Haha. Thank you.

  • I have GOT to pack. I keep procrastinating. See...

(Yes, I already opened the Pringles..shhh)

  • Im ready to see my nursing buddies. I miss them already!

  • I just started my Christmas shopping 2 days ago...I'm still not done. whoops.

I'm done rambling for the moment...I will come up with some more jib-jab later I'm sure.

Melts my heart. 4 days!!!!
Be Encouraged :]

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Highs and Lows

Our Haiti trip is 7 days away! I couldn't be more excited or nervous. I feel like I've been waiting forever for this trip and now that it's so close...AHH! I cant wait to see what God has in store for me, my friends, and the haitian people. I really CAN NOT believe that I am getting the opportunity to go back. I don't want to think that this is just "another trip". I want to pour myself into this trip and take hold of every opportunity that I'm presented while in Haiti. I better start packing soon too ;]

Now, a little catching up on life. I PASSED my 3rd semester of Nursing School. I honestly cant tell you how happy yet extremely nervous I am to be graduating in May as an RN! This life is crazy. I thank God for sending me to CU and blessing me with awesome classmates and teachers. I believe I will honestly miss my buddies at school once we roughly 4 1/2 months. Oh. My. Word!

So besides Haiti and school, I'm on Christmas break! NO STUDYING! Ive been sitting on the couch all day and its been wonderful to not have my school books staring at me and demanding I study. Sweet relief.

My mom, sister and aunt all graduated with their master's on Friday. They rock. Here's a picture of those perrttyy outfits.

I mentioned before on here that I sometimes feel like I'm going through a spiritual valley where you have highs and lows to every day. Well, this is one of those times. The only way I get through each day is God and God alone. He gives me reassurance at the right time that He is there. He tells me to trust him and cast ALL my worries, fears, and hurt on to him. It hasn't been an easy journey to get to the place where I am now, but all I can do is trust God and give Him full control of every situation. This picture was on someones Twitter today...God knows my heart and what  I needed in this day before I ever did. I cant thank him enough! 

Keep praying for our group as we board the plane in 7 days!!!!
-Be Encouraged

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Twenty-two. AH!

When I started this blog, the main focus point was my Haiti mission trips. So, its only fitting to say... 22 days! I realized today that I am no where near prepared to go. Meaning, last time I already had bought all my supplies, clothes, and had everything ready to go at this point. That's about 3 weeks. 3 weeks. 3 weeks. I feel like this trip has came SO much faster than the last trip. 3 weeks, really?!? We have our last Haiti meeting tomorrow (December 5th) and our last payment is due as well. The great thing about a blog is being able to reflect back on certain things in your life. For me, its great to look back and see God's provision. I remember writing about how I needed all this money and the deadlines were quickly approaching. Now, I have more money then I need! Isn't it great how God provides? My church also collected 400 toothbrushes. They rock! I will try to update on here while in Haiti (if time allows) and share with you all what God is doing while we are there. And I'll post some really cute pictures of the precious Haitian children. :]

Since the last time I blogged we also had Thanksgiving! I spent it with  both sides of my family and we had a great time. I am so blessed to have so many great people in my life. Here are a few pics:
Aren't those some cute kids?!

How can I have a post and not talk about nursing school? Oh wait, I cant!
Here is a little picture to show that nursing school makes you silly...

Hope you all have a great week and Be Encouraged!