
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Living Room- Instagram style

A quick, little tour of my living room via Instagram...Enjoy :]

Doesn't everyone have a life size graduated cylinder in their place?

Key/everything holder. The basics: stethoscope, name badge, and keys.

My throne

Lurvve my couch and my paintings. Kayla painted the canvases for me :]



Hope you liked the quick picture tour. More decorating needs to take place but that will come with time.  I love my little place!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Top 5.

I almost forgot it was Friday and that I needed to do a High Five for Friday post...whoops.

Im a "bad blogger." I forget to blog 95% of the time...except for Fridays.

Top 5 from the week:

1)On Saturday my sweet, beautiful, amazing, awesome, friend Keely got MARRIED! Ah! She was gorgeous and it was a beautiful ceremony. Annnnd, the reception food was great. Win in my book.

Kayla and Joni
My Ki Ki. Gorgeous bride!

She's the greatest.

 2) After the wedding, I decided to go "home" instead of coming home. Basically, I went to my parents house. I got to see my doggy, Ben. (AKA fatty.) I made him get into the bed with me where he laid for 0.5 seconds. My mom snapped this picture.

3) I might be addicted to Baby Lips lip balm. The purple one was on sell at Target yesterday so I had to get it.

4) I went to hang out with my mom today so I was bummin' it. We were going to get flowers to put in my cute flower pots but everything at this time of the year is dead! Dead and brown. So, forget that. 

My new favorite shoes from target and my mom's old sweatshirt.

5) I was craving some fudge today so my sweet mother bought me some. I've almost ate it all. [[Stop Hannah. Stop.]]

I had already ate almost all of one piece before we even got out of the parking lot. bad.

There ya have it. The adult "grown up" life. Where getting lip balm on sell is a big deal and all your friends are getting married. (Ha!)

 Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Its my favorite day of the week!

 This has been a great week and its about to be a even better weekend. One of my best friends is getting married and I'm a bridesmaid. Woot woot!

Top 5 from the week/last weekend:

1) Getting caught in the biggest storm/rain fest EVER! Kayla and I were in Wal-Mart getting last minute things for Keely's party when it came a monsoon. Not even kidding. We decided to take off our shoes and just go for it. We were SOAKED! We got into the car and laughed for a good 5 minutes about it. Good times.

This picture doesn't do it justice.
Best party planners ever.

2) Keely's bachelorette party. We had a lot of fun and laughs! The other pictures aren't internet approved :]

Isn't she pretty?!

 3) THE COLOR RUN! I will post more pictures later but I ran/walked my first 5k on Sunday. I had so much fun. Sue and I decided at 12:30 am that we would participate and signed up that morning. Procrastinators.

4) I went swimming and laid out yesterday with my SueB. Always good times. I also got to see her parents new puppies. I want a puppy! :/

 5) Last night was girls night! YouTube videos, midnight milkshake runs, good music, and movies. Love them!

Riding with the windows down.

Have a great weekend!